
Allows you to get the album art associated with an album ID or file key. The lockerData class returns the album art URL for each track when type=track or type=album but this is an alternative way to fetch the album art. If the hasArt node from a lockerData call is greater than 1, you can also fetch alternative cover art (i.e. <hasArt>2</hasArt> indicates 2 different covers available.


sid (required): A valid session id, received from the "login" method.
partner_token (required): A valid partner token. See Overview for more information.
album ID (required): Optional if file key is used instead. Note the album ID is not part of the query string, but rather part of the URL. See the examples below.
file key (required): Optional if album ID is used instead. Note the file key is not part of the query string, but rather part of the URL. See the examples below.
alternative (optional): A number indicating which alternative artwork to get (if the hasArt node from a lockerData call is greater than 1).
size (optional): A valid image size parameter. Allows scaling of the returned image. Valid values are "xsmall", "small", "medium", "large". Corresponding pixel sizes are 64, 174, 300, 500. Images are resized proportionally based on the larger of width or height.

Example Request<album ID OR file key>?sid=<sid>&partner_token=9999999999

Example Request (get alternative album cover)<album ID OR file key>?sid=<sid>&partner_token=9999999999&alternative=1