MP3tunes Software

Here you'll find the software you need to add media to your Locker, as well as many ways to access and enjoy your music and videos everywhere, including on your mobile devices!

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NOTE: If we've guessed wrong, see below for your operating system.


Add music and video to your Locker or sync down to your computers. Sync everything or by playlist, by artist, by folder, etc. Full scheduling capabilities.
Operating System Requirements Quick Start  
Windows Vista, XP, 2000 or Windows 7 Run LockerSync3.exe to install.
Macintosh OS X 10.4 and above Drag LockerSync icon to your Applications folder
Linux Python 2.3 or greater,PyQt 4 Unpack LockerSync3.tar.gz and
see the README file

Mobile Software

Enjoy music and video on-the-go from your Locker with these cool programs for your favorite mobile devices.
Application Requirements  
Airband - Stream your Locker music to your iPhone or iPod touch iPod OS 2.0 and above Get it now from the App Store
Android - Stream your Locker music to your Android device Android device Search for MP3tunes in the Android Market
WebOS Palm - Two different apps from which to choose for streaming from your Locker Palm Pre & Pixi phones Try app 1 or
Try app 2

Station Builder

Adding music to your Locker couldn't be easier! Simply drag and drop music folder to this compact desktop app.

Get Station Builder from - enjoy music from your Locker in your own personal radio station, playing just the news, weather and stories you want. Log in with your Locker account, choose your DJs and features and you're ready to listen. Check it out!

Browser Plugins

Easily install in your browser to find music tracks on web pages automatically. Simply click the button to instantly sideload the track to your Locker.
Browser Requirements Quick Start  
Internet Explorer Version 7 or later Run SideloadPluginIE.exe to install the plugin.
Firefox Version 3.x Using Firefox, click the link to install the plugin.

3rd party applications

Even more ways to enjoy your MP3tunes Locker - thanks to our open API.

Notes: We've checked these programs out and think you'll find them useful. But for further questions or direct support using them, please contact the developer(s).


Applications Requirements Links
Amarok - Powerful music player with cool music discovery features Linux, Unix, Mac, Windows Linux, Unix, Mac, Windows More Info Screenshots
PS3MusicPlayer - Listen to your collection on your PS3 PlayStation 2 or 3 More Info Screenshots
WiiTunes - Access your Locker playlists using just your Wii remote Nintendo Wii More Info Screenshots


Eclipse Player - Listen to your Locker while using the Eclipse environment Mac, Win, Linux More Info Screenshots